Homemade Cleaning
I've mentioned briefly before how we are swiftly making changes to do the way we do things at home, to reduce our exposure to harmful chemicals and our reliance on plastic.
I have made my own cleaning products which work just as well as the store-bought ones (and I can customise the scents with the essential oils I use). Ive also bought all new glass jars and spray bottles which are ideal for storing essential oils.
So in honour of Earth Day today, I'm sharing my home cleaning recipes with you, as well as where I get all of the ingredients from (hint: it's all online):
Mix the following ingredients together and store in a glass spray bottle.
1/2 Cup Distilled Vinegar (you can get this at your local supermarket with the rest of the vinegars)
1 Cup Distilled Water (you can find this in the water and soft drinks aisle of your local supermarket)
20 Drops of your favourite essential oil (At the moment, Im using Peppermint)
Mix the following ingredients together and store in a glass pump bottle
Combine 1 1/4 Cup of Distilled boiling water with 1 1/2 tsp of Washing Soda (you can get this at a Bin Inn or online at Pure Nature)
2/3 Cup Liquid Castile Soap (I get mine from Pure Nature)
1 tsp vege glycerin (Pure Nature)
20 Drops of your favourite essential oils - I do a mixture of lemon and tea tree oil
Mix the following together and store in a glass spray bottle
1/4 Cup rubbing alcohol (Pure Nature)
2 - 3 drops of liquid castile soap
1/4 Cups distilled vinegar
2 Cups distilled water
10 drops of your favourite essential oil
Mix the below together and store in a glass jar or tin. Use 1 tablespoon per load
1 Cup washing soda (you can get this at Bin Inn for next to nothing)
1 Cup borax (Bunnings)
1 bar castile soap cut up in a food blender until fine crumbs (Pure Nature)
20 drops of your favourite essential oils: at the moment I'm using lavender
continued below...
Mix the following together and store in a glass jar or tin. I only use 1/2 a Tablespoon with each load
1 Cup Epsom salts (you can get this at Bin Inn for next to nothing)
30 drops of your favourite essential oils (Im using Peppermint)
Mix the below together and store in a small glass spray bottle. I spray this on the pillows (when I change the sheets) and fresh towels. Shake before use
60ml distilled water
1/8 tsp salt
20 drops of lavender essential oil
Mix the below together and store in a glass jar:
1/2 Cup baking soda (Bin Inn)
1/4 Cup distilled vinegar
10 drops of tea tree oil
Mix the below together and store in a glass jar:
1/4 Cup liquid castile soap
1 Cup baking soda
10 drops tea tree oil
Mix the below together as needed. I put mine straight into the detergent dispenser on my mop:
2 - 3 drops of liquid castile soap
5 drops of tea tree oil
2 Cups of warm water
I like to change the essential oils out with each season - here are some ideas of what essential oils to use when:
SPRING: Rose, Lavender, Chamomile and any citrus oil including lemon and bergamot
SUMMER: Rosemary, Lime, Lavender, Lemongrass
AUTUMN: Glove, Orange, Cinnamon
WINTER: Frankincense, Peppermint, Eucalyptus
I bought my glass jars from Look Sharp and the amber glass spray and pump bottles from Lotus Oils.
Let me know how you go with those!