It's not about you...

Shout & Co. Food Photographer

Image Shot & Styled for Alison’s Pantry

If you’re in business to sell products or services, you probably agonise over how to explain your biz to prospective customers in a succinct way.

You might start off by explaining what you sell, the industry you’re in or even where you started your career, but what if we told you that you’re coming at it from the wrong angle?

Distilling your business down to a commercial transaction is actually selling your offer short because it’s making it about YOU.

What if the best way to make a connection with a potential client is not about the services or products you sell, or how long you’ve been in the industry…

What if it actually came down to YOUR CUSTOMER: what they need… What they’re looking for… Where they’re at?

If you’re using social media to grow your business and create connections, then having a communication strategy that puts your target audience at the centre of the discussion will net you far better gains than making it about you.

✔️ What is the problem you’re solving for them?
✔️ What value are your customers receiving?
✔️ What benefits do they get out of working with you?

Positioning your business in this light takes it from “selling wine” to “bringing your whānau together for connection and great conversation over a bottle of merlot”.

Shout & Co. Product Photographer

Image Shot & Styled for Capulet

It shifts if from “selling skincare” to “gifting yourself happy, healthy skin”.

Because you’re not selling “wooden baby toys”, rather “kickstarting your little one’s love of learning and discovery through play”.

It’s this approach that we use with our clients to ensure that the content we craft for them creates loyalty and connection with their audience.

Your social media imagery and videos aren’t just pretty pictures - they provide the context for the solutions you provide. Your content, captions and copy are no longer about selling something but rather adding value and sharing useful anecdotes.

So you can see how this concept is transferable across your digital platforms: your ABOUT page moves away from being a catalogue of your life and experiences and proves to your potential customer that they’re right where they need to be.

Try this approach on for size and see how it shifts your audience’s interactions with you!

How can we help you craft a communication strategy that puts your customer at the centre of the conversation?

Get in touch and let’s get started on making your social media hum: start by booking your FREE Discovery Call where you share your business goals with us and we’ll work on a plan together:


Weekly Round Up: 21 March 2022


Weekly Round Up: 14 March 2022